Turquoise red in Vienna? That was it then


In terms of content, SPÖ and ÖVP are worlds apart. Conclusion: it won’t work.

It’s an exploratory discussion that Mayor Michael Ludwig was looking forward to: after a vegan meal at the red-green exploration, sweets were on the program Wednesday: Ludwig served the ÖVP negotiating team in his office. So the mayor showed a fine sense of irony: Ludwig ordered the foam rolls from the Schwarz Bakery.

Turquesa shouldn’t have liked it very much. Because after the meeting, Blümel said: “The conversation was very friendly personally, but the content was also very clear.” In some areas, the differences were definitely perceived, “We saw little leeway in some areas when it came to questions like German before the reference Community housing and minimum income, or reforms in the area of ​​pensions is possible.”

In this way, Turquoise gets out of the speculation of the coalition. But even before the meeting, turquoise red was considered difficult to implement. An overview:
