Die größten Felsbrocken stürzten in bewohntes Gebiet.
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Reith i. A.- A massive rock fall occurred on Tuesday at noon in St. Gertraudi in a residential area. According to the responsible regional geologist, Johann Schroll, several hundred cubic meters of rock had been dislodged from a rock face in the Reith im Alpbachtal district. In the process, some boulders were left in a canal, more material fell into the residential area and hit a building there. One of the largest rocks landed right in front of the garages of a residential building. No one was injured in the event.
Nach dem Felssturz liegt weiterhin loses Gestein in einer Rinne.
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“Then they evacuated six houses, awaiting further clarification,” reports Ludwig Moser, head of the Reith im Alpbachtal community. After a reconnaissance flight, it became clear that residents of one house would not be allowed to return until further notice. “The community has offered to help the affected family,” Moser says, but residents are said to have already stayed with relatives outside of town.
By tomorrow Wednesday, the community has hired a rock cleaning company to get an overview of the situation and begin work. The amount of time that will pass before the area can be safely re-entered depends on the progress of rock removal and, based on geology and state administration, cannot yet be predicted. The rockfall occurred over an existing collection basin, but the rocks had chipped it. (e.g.)