Today a voucher of 1,000 euros is requested for everyone – news


The call for a “thousand crown” has been loud for days. The corresponding proposal will now be presented to the National Council on Tuesday.

The president of the Austrian Confederation of Trade Unions (ÖGB) Wolfgang Katzian wants all the people who kept the country going during the crisis to get a “thousand crowns”. The ÖGB has started a petition on its website. Under the name “Thousands of Corona”, all those who had to leave during the crisis and kept the country going should be rewarded.

So far, more than 100,000 people have signed it. The “Corona Thousand” could be financed with the aid fund of 38 billion. Also, according to Katzian, it should be tax free. Corona Thousand will now be ordered at the National Council on Tuesday. The FPÖ wants to bring the application to have an “initial spark for the purchasing power of the Austrians and our economy”.

There is no “dropper aid policy”

“Every Austrian should receive ‘vouchers from Austria’ for a total of 1,000 euros, regardless of age, without bureaucracy and without complicated application,” said FPÖ club president Herbert Kickl. These coupons must be redeemed at national companies by the end of 2020. “This is very different from what the government did with its ‘dropper aid policy,'” Kickl said.

In addition, Freedom Party wants to file an application for compensation for entrepreneurs based on the Epidemic Law, automatic processing through tax offices and payments on account, according to club president FPÖ.

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