Tirol and Vorarlberg carry out crown tests for the entire population from December 4-6, Salzburg on December 12 and 13.
Vorarlberg and Tyrol will conduct massive population crown tests on the first weekend of December (4-6). This was announced by Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) after the Council of Ministers on Wednesday. This means that in the two westernmost federal states, voluntary testing is also conducted for the population in parallel to testing for all teachers and kindergarten teachers. Details about the organization are not yet known.
Salzburg also starts the mass tests earlier, that is, on December 12 and 13. Originally, mass testing for the population was only planned for the weekend before Christmas (19/20).
80 test stations in Vorarlberg
The Governor of Vorarlberg, Markus Wallner (ÖVP), saw in his statement “a great test weekend” as “the most sensible”. “After detailed discussions, we decided to do everything in one weekend,” said the governor, that is, testing the educators, the police and the population on a date. The preparations were in full swing.
Vorarlberg developed specific organizational plans for the upcoming massive corona tests on Tuesday. To test as many of the nation’s citizens as possible, 80 test stations will be established across the state, each of which will conduct up to 1,000 tests per day. In positive cases there will be contact tracing. “We can do that because our processes are already highly digitized,” said provincial councilor Christian Gantner (ÖVP).
The location of the test stations (gyms in elementary schools are being discussed) is still being worked out, but each should have a catchment area of 5,000 people. The test station staff, 20 people each, is comprised of eight employees provided by the Red Cross for testing, eight firefighters for security services, and four community employees for organizational matters. The armed forces will equip the test stations with everything necessary and should be open from 7 am to 5 pm
Citizens can register online or by phone beginning November 30 to test with an antigen test. Test results are sent by SMS within one hour. If the test is positive, a PCR test should be performed for confirmation. Affected individuals can come to “their” test station for the PCR test the same day (after 5:00 pm).
Salzburg wants to avoid quarantine at Christmas
“In this way we buy time before Christmas with regard to the holidays,” Salzburg Governor Wilfried Haslauer (ÖVP) said on Wednesday, explaining the earlier start of his state. Salzburg residents identified as infected do not have to be quarantined over Christmas.
The Annaberg-Lungötz community of 2,200 inhabitants in Tennengau is a test balloon for the test series. Due to an extremely high incidence of 7 days, it is already December 1 and 2. According to the state, there were 47 new infections in the community in the past seven days and currently 60 residents are actively infected. Community citizens who tested positive should be retested the same night with a PCR test.
The mass tests on December 12 and 13 will take place as far as possible in the 534 polling stations in the state of Salzburg. Haslauer recently repeatedly hoped that around 60 percent of the population would get tested – that’s around 300,000 people in Salzburg. Experts expect around 4,000 people to be actively infected.