This is how the Vienna musical theater works again


Robert Meyer has no longer requested the Volksoper: there is a clear recipe for success for the new director.

Andrea Mayer against Robert Meyer: this is a succinct summary of what the titular director of Volksoper confided to the “Kurier”: The Secretary of State for Culture wants a change for the house in Gürtel. Therefore, Meyer has no longer submitted an application, 33 applicants are in process.

Now the era of Robert Meyer will certainly go down in the annals, because every performance in which the director himself was on stage brought joy to the audience. But such a concept must have an expiration date so as not to lose sight of everything. The Volksoper as a good address for an opera repertoire the State Opera does not maintain, from the play opera to exciting pieces from the early 20th century, as well as the home for a powerful operetta ensemble, this Volksoper needs to be rebuilt.
