The government ventured these plans in a videoconference with state governors. Anyone who refuses to take the test must be quarantined. However, the legal basis for this is currently lacking.
The issue of “free trials” was also discussed after the end of the lockdown in mid-January, Kaiser said. There was the information that the evidence, with which one must escape before the confinement, should not have more than 48 hours. Kaiser: “I am skeptical about this, because there is still no legal basis for this and the question of who should control it first needs to be clarified.”
According to Kaiser, a confirmation for free trials is also planned. This confirmation must not only be issued at the test tracks, but also by the pharmacies and doctors who perform the tests. It is also being discussed that confirmations can also be issued at the companies where the tests are performed. According to the Chancellor’s ideas, anyone who refuses to take the test should be able to continue working. According to Kaiser, Sebastian Kurz is in favor of “soft duty”, and those who refuse to take the test should wear an FFP2 mask.
When all this will come true, it is still open. In his opinion, mandatory mass testing for districts with too high incidence could be introduced after the end of the lockdown at the earliest. Kaiser suspects that these plans would help people get vaccinated.
Criticism of the federal government’s plans and approach came from the FPÖ and NEOS. “Despite guarantees to the contrary from the federal government, the mandatory crown test is now becoming a reality in Austria,” FPÖ chief Norbert Hofer said in a broadcast. “It is not far from mandatory testing to mandatory vaccination. The FPÖ will offer massive resistance here.” Hofer accused the government of “massive public insecurity”. “The constant breaking of words by Kurz, Kogler, Anschober and Nehammer means that a large part of the population, understandably, no longer supports the measures; the government’s Hü-Hott policy is responsible for this.”
NEOS criticized that “it was not a good sign for better cooperation between the government and parliament in the coming year” that “the media resubmit the evaluation draft to parliament as freely as possible.