Title The Ministry of Proverbs of Otto Grünmandl is Ö1 book of the month for January 2021. The second volume of the edition of the work was published in Editorial Haymon.
Otto Grünmandl’s prose may show references to Franz Kafka in the model portrait of the inner experience, but it is even more shaped by French existentialism, according to which people recognize the folly of the world and plunge into the deepest existential crises in the course of your search for meaning. According to Jean Paul Sartre and Albert Camus, the fact that he is still alive is revolutionary and absurd at the same time.
What I did for a long time: discovering the writer Otto Grünmandl, who, with a little more luck, could not have become a cabaret artist, but one of the most important Austrian writers of the post-war period ”, is an excerpt from the statement of the jury.
The winning title was announced and discussed on the Ö1 Ex libris program. All information on the current book of the month Ö1 and all previous titles can be found at oe1.orf.at/buchdesmonats.
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