Israeli President Reuven Rivlin has given Parliament Speaker Benny Gantz and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu another 48 hours to form a unified government. Gantz had requested the extension from Rivlin “with the support” of Netanyahu, the president’s office said.
Rivlin accepted the request, provided both politicians were about to reach an agreement on a unified government, he said. The Gantz government’s construction deadline expired Monday at midnight (local time). Previously, he had asked Netanyahu to form a unified government.
Gantz was commissioned by President Reuven Rivlin to form a government after the March parliamentary elections. The former army chief had originally refused to participate in a government with Netanyahu, accused of corruption. In view of the coronavirus pandemic, however, both spoke out in favor of a “national emergency government.”
Since then, Gantz has been negotiating with Netanyahu to form a unified government. So far, both sides have been unable to agree. On Saturday, Gantz asked the president for two more weeks. An agreement is about to be signed, Gantz’s blue and white list said. Rivlin rejected the request on Sunday. On Monday, both sides confirmed that the talks would continue.
Source: Apa / dpa
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