The city of Graz signs a positive statement of work


World AIDS day sign

Graz (OTS) Today’s World AIDS Day represents solidarity with those affected. This is also a demand at work. HIV-positive people continue to be discriminated against in the labor market. The #positivarbeiten campaign, in which Aids-Hilfe Styria also participates, actively wants to dispel prejudices. Because: People with HIV can live and work like everyone else today.

The fight against discrimination against HIV-positive people is also a matter of concern for the Graz city government. The city of Graz has already joined the #positivarbeiten project and signed the declaration. mayor Siegfried Nagl to: “Thanks to more developed AIDS prevention and treatment efforts, we have succeeded in curbing the spread. It is even more important that we all act decisively against the exclusion of HIV-infected people. It is time for bias in treating with HIV-positive people they belong to the past. “

“No one in the city of Graz should be discriminated against on the grounds of illness. The signing of the declaration sends a clear signal”, adds the councilor responsible for Health Robert Krotzer (KPÖ).

The Austrian AIDS Society assumes that there are about 9,000 people infected with HIV in Austria, with just under 8.9 million inhabitants, or about 0.1 percent of the population. Every year there are between 40 and 50 new HIV infections in Styria, a figure that has hardly changed in years, as Aidshilfe Steiermark calls it. However, it is not yet possible to make a forecast for this year. Figures for 2020 will not be released until the first quarter of 2021.

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