Furniture giant XXXLutz’s grand reopening was really stormed over the weekend in Eugendorf in the Salzburg Flachgau region. VAfter the renovation, the furniture store was open from Thursday to Saturday. held with bargain prices. According to media reports, around 8,000 customers are said to have visited the store on Saturday. ORF pictures show full parking spaces, traffic jam was enough temporarily back on the west highway.
Video: Discussion about opening a furniture store:
In times of tightening of the Crown’s measures, the large-scale reopening triggered many discussions: the Greens of Salzburg spoke of a “grotesque irresponsibility” in front of the crowds. Green economy spokesman Josef Scheinast told ORF: “Of all the times, causing massive crowds in these difficult times and with the number of infections increasing every day is grotesque.
XXXLutz company spokesman Thomas Saliger said at ORF’s request that while they were not expecting such a rush, they were prepared for it. An additional 30 security guards made sure everything went smoothly and a separate counting system at the entrance prevented too many people from being in the furniture store at the same time. Police also said there was no reason to complain.