At the beginning of next week it will also be the case of the SPÖ. Michael Ludwig officially enters the election campaign. But before he even started, he had already achieved his electoral goal in the current Research Affairs poll (400 online interviews from Aug. 31 to Sept. 2): with 40 percent on Sunday’s question, it is above 39. percent, achieved by his predecessor Michael Häupl in 2015. It was precisely this mark that Ludwig declared as a target.
Sunday question
Which party would you vote for if there were local council elections on Sunday?
Less for ÖVP
The vice-presidential candidate Gernot Blümel also has a “luxury problem.” The self-set electoral goal of more than 15 percent is still far exceeded despite a sharp decline of two percentage points compared to last week’s poll. The ÖVP would currently reach 21 percent. Blümel should thus achieve his “secret strategic objective” of not having to move to the city council and remain finance minister despite growth.
Direct election of mayor
Who would you vote for if you could directly elect the mayor?
The brutal duel between green and blue breaks out
Anti-Hebein. The Greens are currently losing one percentage point week over week. The 2019 NR election result of more than 20 percent is light years away, and its own election target, around 15 percent, will also be difficult for the Greens to achieve. But anti-Hebein Vienna, Dominik Nepp, catches up with his FPÖ week after week. At 12 percent, they are just one percentage point behind the Greens. It is going to be very exciting.
For HC Strache there is a ray of light on the horizon. At five percent, he would be very fine in town hall for the first time in weeks.