Shopping Mall Crowds: Anschober Attracts Operators and Customers – Coronavirus Vienna


Anschober addresses operators and customers with an appeal.

Anschober addresses operators and customers with an appeal.

The latest images of crowds in shopping malls are “worrying” for Health Minister Anschober. He addressed operators and customers with an appeal.

Health Minister Rudolf Anschober (Greens) described the latest images of large crowds in some shopping malls on Thursday as “worrying”. “We currently have a very high virological activity in Austria and therefore a high risk. Therefore we must do everything possible to massively reduce contacts and reduce risk. The images from last weekend should not be repeated this weekend. week, “Anschober warned. .

Anschober is aimed at shopping center operators

“I call on the operators of shopping centers to protect the health of their customers and make the appropriate preparations. Compliance with the prescribed maximum number of customers, the prevention of crowds and the management of customer flows must be ensured by the operators, “said the Minister of Health. Words to those responsible for retail.

Clients must comply with applicable rules

Anschober appealed to customers “to adhere to applicable regulations, such as keeping the minimum distance and wearing mouth-nasal protection. I strongly recommend not consuming food and drink directly at the mall,” he advised in a broadcast. . Currently, catering establishments can only offer food for collection or delivery from 6 am to 8 pm, direct consumption on site is not allowed.

Google data indicates a slight decrease in mobility

Movement data published by the US internet company Google suggests that the measures in force since 3 November have caused a decrease in mobility in Austria. However, the break-in, especially at workplaces, is much less dramatic than during the first “lockdown” in March. Health Minister Rudolf Anschober (Greens) on Thursday called the reduction in “exercise intensity” one of the goals of the crown’s measures.

The “Community Mobility Reports” are based on anonymous movement data that is collected through mobile phones. Based on this data (as of November 8), the number of visitors to restaurants, shopping malls, and entertainment facilities has now dropped to less than 67 percent compared to the pre-crisis period. In March and April the drop was up to 90 percent due to closures.

Second blockage: less impact on workplaces

According to Google data, the second “Lockdwon,” which began on November 3, has significantly less impact on workplaces. Here a decrease was recorded during the national holiday and All Saints’ Day. However, it hasn’t gotten worse since then: the minus sign is between 28 and 32 percent. For comparison: In March, Google saw a steady decline of more than 50 percent in workplaces. The increase in stays in residential areas is correspondingly smaller (plus 7% compared to a quarter in spring).

In public transport, the frequency of customers decreased a bit more, but the first block also had a stronger effect here. For train stops and stations, Google shows 45 percent less. In March, on the other hand, the frequency of visitors dropped by more than 60 to more than 70 percent.

According to Google since the spring, only the data of those users who use the “location history” of their phone is evaluated for reports, either on Android devices or in Google applications on iOS devices. This feature allows users to create personal motion profiles, but it is disabled by default.

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