Severe corona courses are also possible for young people


They were between 18 and 34 years old and had to go to hospital because of Covid 19. A recently published American analysis shows the dramatic consequences this can have for those affected:

  • 21 percent had to be in one Intensive care unit are treated: That’s almost one in four of the young people treated in the hospital.

  • 10 percent were ventilated with a machine.

  • 2.7 percent died. This means that the death rate was roughly double that of a heart attack in the age cohort.

Even if it occurs in extremely rare cases that young patients who are perfectly fit and healthy die from the virus, certain factors favor a severe course. These factors are the same in younger people as in older people. Overweight patients needed to be ventilated more frequently and were also at higher risk of death. If several factors such as severe obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes came together, young patients had the same risk of developing severe Covid-19 as those aged 35 to 64 without these previous diseases. By the way, smokers of all age groups are at higher risk.

But even if the very young do not have to go to the hospital: the consequences can also be surprising for them: many months after their illness, they are still tired and chronically exhausted.
