For the first time, the general selection criteria for a crown lung transplant were presented. For this, certain factors have been set.
In May 2020, a 44-year-old man was the first patient in Europe with this indication to receive a lung transplant after a severe course of Covid-19 at the MedUni Vienna at the AKH. According to a MedUni broadcast on Friday, the program is now a leading participant in an international consortium with international experts. It now presents the general selection criteria for a crown lung transplant for the first time in the journal “The Lancet Respiratory Medicine.”
Factors established for intervention
“It is clear that such a complex procedure is only possible for patients who have a good chance of recovery with new lungs due to their age and generally favorable health,” says Konrad Hötzenecker, head of the lung transplant program at MedUni Vienna and Vienna General Hospital.
The following factors were determined: depletion of all conservative therapy options, no recovery of Covid-19 damaged lungs despite at least four weeks of ventilation / ECMO therapy, evidence of advanced and irreversible lung damage on various examinations of Consecutive CTs, age less than 65 years and no relevant concomitant disease. Additionally, candidates must be in good physical condition or have a good chance of full physical rehabilitation after transplantation.
The guidelines can be implemented worldwide
“These guidelines can be implemented around the world in order to better select which patient is really eligible for a lung transplant after a Covid-19 disease,” Hötzenecker explained. So far, twelve lung transplants have been performed at the MedUni Vienna / AKH after severe courses of Covid.