10,000 ministry mobile devices
For AHS and BMHS students who were unable to participate in distance education due to lack of technical equipment, the Ministry purchased almost 10,000 mobile devices in April. If necessary, these should be redistributed in the new school year; schools must report any additional requirements.
With the new school year, the “Digital School” portal will also be launched, initially for federal schools and from autumn 2021 also for compulsory schools (especially primary and secondary schools). All important administrative and educational applications (digital grade management, communication, class registration, learning platforms, etc.) must be accessible on the new platform with a single login.
Enhancements for Eduthek have also been announced: on this portal, experienced educators provide quality-tested exercise materials for all types of schools and subjects. In the next expansion step, the materials should be aligned with the curriculum so that teachers can find them more easily. In addition, in the future there will be a seal of approval for learning applications with which these applications can be certified for use in distance learning or blended learning (combination of classroom and online lessons).