LH Markus Wallner in the VOL.AT TV interview about the increasing number of corona infections in Vorarlberg and why the Rhine Valley and Walgau turned red.
Coronavirus epidemic in Vorarlberg: Corona traffic light commission met on Thursday afternoon, it is now safe and fixed. On Friday, the traffic lights for Corona in the Rhine Valley and Walgau will turn red. This confirms fears, as reported by VOL.AT on Thursday afternoon, that the two Vorarlberg regions are threatened with a red phase.
The coronavirus red light means there will be homeschooling from ninth grade onwards. But with fall break starting next week, this is probably not a big deal, at least around this time. Visiting hospitals and nursing homes could also be prohibited.
TO Rheintal / Walgau region include the communities of Altach, Bildstein, Bludenz, Bludesch, Bregenz, Buch, Dornbirn, Düns, Dünserberg, Eichenberg, Feldkirch, Frastanz, Fraxern, Fußach, Gaißau, Göfis, Götzis, Hard, Höchst, Hoheranchusz, Lahenbweterns, Hohenoblaems, Lauterach, Lochau, Ludesch, Lustenau, Mäder, Meiningen, Möggers, Nenzing, Nüziders, Rankweil, Röns, Röthis, Satteins, Schlins, Schnifis, Schwarzach, Sulz, Thuringia, Übersaxen, Weileris Vikchenserberg