Catholic Church: “Kulturbruch”
The Catholic Church reacted to the decision with “dismay.” The euthanasia sentence was a cultural violation and endangered solidarity, criticized the president of the bishops’ conference, the Archbishop of Salzburg, Franz Lackner. The ruling parties, the ÖVP and the Greens, reacted with skepticism and the SPÖ called for a broad and open discussion.
“Until now, everyone in Austria could assume that his life would be considered unconditionally valuable, until his natural death. With its decision, the Supreme Court removed an essential basis for this consensus,” Lackner said. “The natural solidarity with those who seek help in our society is fundamentally modified by this judgment,” the archbishop continued. Literally, Lackner spoke of a “dam break” and warned that permitted suicide assistance would increase pressure on the sick and the elderly to use it.
Episcopal Conference: no to euthanasia, but closeness is necessary
“Those who express the desire to die in a situation of existential crisis such as illness and fatigue do not need help to commit suicide, but human closeness, pain relief, care and support,” emphasized the president of the Episcopal Conference. Only then can everyone be sure that their dignity is respected and protected even in the vulnerable stages of life. Lackner literally: “We must not give up on people, even if they have given up on themselves.”
Criticisms of the ÖVP
ÖVP Constitution Minister Karoline Edtstadler was surprised: “With the ruling on euthanasia, the Constitutional Court deviates from its own jurisprudence, according to which the prohibition of active euthanasia is at the discretion of the legislature. In particular, the protection of the elderly and the protection of the right to life are fundamental Basic values of our policy. ” And: “Life is the highest good and for good reason enjoys the highest constitutional protection. We will continue to ensure that no one has to question the value of your life. Therefore, we must now examine what legal protective measures are necessary.” .
Reluctance among the Greens
The president of the green club, Sigrid Maurer, also reacted very cautiously. “The consequences of the VfGH decision on the issue of assisted suicide require a thorough examination. Knowing that the issue of euthanasia is particularly sensitive, especially in view of Austria’s history, a broad participation of experts and of the civil society from a green perspective. In any case, it will be essential to continue expanding the range of palliative and palliative care, “says Maurer.
SPÖ: Good comprehensive medical care is necessary
SPÖ Justice Spokesperson Selma Yildirim spoke in favor of an open and comprehensive discussion on key issues at the end of life. “We must discuss issues that go far beyond criminal law, because criminal law itself is not an adequate instrument to achieve a dignified death. It needs good comprehensive care with painkillers and terminal care, as well as advance directives accessible to all and all regardless of the economic situation of those affected. In addition, legal security and adequate care for family members and medical personnel is required, “said Yildirim.
NEOS erfreut
NEOS Health Spokesperson Gerald Loacker is pleased to respond to the Constitutional Court’s decision. “This decision is long-awaited news for many terminally ill people in Austria. It gives them the prospect of a self-determined end of life, of dying with dignity. NEOS are clearly against active euthanasia, but we have always been in favor. to participate in suicide. Allow terminally ill patients in certain circumstances. That would avoid a lot of suffering. For many, assisted suicide is out of the question. But those who wish to do so should not be forced to travel to Switzerland or go illegal. ” .