Pressure on the government: “the biggest fraud case in post-war history”


reThe SPD’s attempt to pull its chancellor candidate Olaf Scholz out of the line of fire in the Wirecard scandal threatens to fail. Shortly before the special session of the Finance Committee of the Bundestag, the Federal Ministry of Finance responded in writing to the questions of the deputies, but the additional knowledge acquired was limited, so now almost everything is reduced to an investigative committee, which represents an incalculable risk for Scholz’s electoral campaign. .

Manfred Schäfers

The Greens want to clarify their position this Tuesday. It depends on your vote if it comes to that. “With this special meeting, the federal government will once again have the opportunity to clarify the situation. If we are not surprised, a commission of inquiry will be inevitable, ”said green deputy Danyal Bayaz on Monday before the two-day meeting. The scandal and its circumstances would have to be thoroughly clarified to avoid something similar in the future and thus also avoid damage to investors.

“It can no longer be a question of whether we need an investigation committee, but only of what exactly it should investigate,” said FDP financial politician Florian Toncar. He’s betting that the Greens will be part of the game as well starting Tuesday. “It could not be explained to anyone if the Bundestag did not use all means to solve the largest fraud case in post-war history.”

It depends on the greens

The commission of inquiry is seen as the sharp sword of the opposition. For this to happen, a quarter of the deputies must vote in favor. The FDP and the left have come out clearly in favor, including the AfD, with which the other groups do not want to cooperate. Therefore, it is currently up to the Greens to obtain the necessary number of votes.
