During the confinement, appendectomy operations were even reduced because the patients did not go to the doctor for fear of infection despite severe pain. That should not be repeated, says Friedrich Längle, president of the Austrian Society for Surgery, in the “press” interview.
The press: With the closure in mid-March, all non-urgent operations were postponed indefinitely. What does that mean exactly?
Friedrich Längle: That all elective operations, that is, planned, have been canceled for the moment in all surgical disciplines. We have agreed in all Austrian hospitals to operate only on acute, non-relocatable cases, such as appendicectal and gallbladder infections, brain hemorrhage, bone fractures and cancer patients, in order to maintain free resources for Covid- 19.
How long did this break from surgery last?
Operations gradually resumed until June. As of September, almost 100 percent regular operation was possible. In some subjects, however, there are long waiting times, in orthopedics, for example, it will take months before all operations are recovered.
It is known that numerous collateral damage occurred during the confinement because ordinations and hospitals were avoided for fear of infection. Can you give some examples of this?