President of the Episcopal Conference: I do not block Easter: “This year is celebrated”


“Easter will certainly be celebrated with the people this year.” The Archbishop of Salzburg and President of the Episcopal Conference, Franz Lackner, made this clear in Kathpress. He stressed on Friday at the end of the spring plenary assembly of bishops that a scenario similar to that of last Easter is not conceivable.

AUSTRIA. The church does not want to cancel Easter this year, as was the case in 2020 due to the first wave of Corona. This year they want to celebrate, but, as the bishops emphasize, Holy Week services should be carried out with restrictions and with precautionary measures.

No church choir, but FFP2 masks

How concretely they could be carried out, the bishops had not yet explicitly determined in their statements at the end of the plenary assembly. It is still too early for that, as government decisions on how to proceed in the pandemic are still pending. But it will likely be similar to Christmas services, Lackner said. That is to say: Without church chants, with FFP2 masks and with a minimum distance of two meters. It is not clear if processions are possible. Fix it seems that there will be more and more open-air services, such as Palm Sunday.

“The limits can be felt”

The bishops had intensively exchanged views on the pandemic and its effects, not just in the church. In many places you can feel great tiredness and impatience, says Lackner: “The limits are palpable. In some it may be towards resignation and withdrawal, in others towards aggressiveness.” Of course, now there is also hope and signs of a light at the end of the tunnel, said the president of the bishops’ conference. “Ultimately, we will all come out of this crisis stronger,” Lackner said confidently.

Vaccination as a way out of the crisis

When asked about vaccines, the bishops stuck to the experts, Lackner emphasized: “Vaccination is a way out of the crisis. We support that way.” By the way, this is also completely Pope Francis’ line. At the same time, the will of people who, for whatever reason, refuse to be vaccinated must be respected. But these people would have to wonder what alternative contribution they could make to tame the pandemic.

Life in the parish cannot be replaced

The president of the bishops’ conference is also confident that there will be no major sustained drops in the number of people attending religious services after the end of the pandemic. Physical participation in church services and immediate social life in parishes are ultimately irreplaceable, Lackner emphasized.

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