Presidency of the Council of the EU: meeting on the mutation of the virus on Monday


Due to the new variant of the corona virus, the German presidency of the EU Council is calling for an emergency meeting with representatives of other member states for Monday. Berlin is convening national experts as part of the international community’s crisis reaction mechanism (IPCR), as a spokesman for the German Council Presidency announced on Sunday. On the agenda is the coordination of the European Union regarding the new variant of the virus.

The Presidency of the Council of the EU advises on the mutation of the coronavirus


The Presidency of the Council of the EU advises on the mutation of the coronavirus

Basically, the IPCR mechanism should allow rapid and coordinated political decisions in serious and complex crises, for example in the case of terrorist attacks. EU institutions, EU states and other stakeholders come together. The mechanism was fully activated in March by the then Croatian Presidency of the Council of the EU due to the spread of the coronavirus.

According to initial findings by British scientists, a recently discovered variant of the virus is up to 70 percent more contagious than the previously known form. Prime Minister Boris Johnson emphasized Saturday that there was no evidence that vaccines against the mutation were less effective.

Quelle: What / Dpa

Accessed December 20, 2020 at 7:58 am at
