ÖVP exchanges blows with FPÖ and Neos «kleinezeitung.at


The general secretary of the ÖVP, Melchior, complains about the lack of “national solidarity”, the actions of the opposition are “completely incomprehensible”.

12:14 pm, December 25, 2020

ÖVP Secretary General Axel Melchior (left) criticizes
ÖVP Secretary General Axel Melchior (left) criticizes © APA / Hans Punz

ÖVP Secretary General Axel melchior criticizes opposition parties Neos and FPÖ for their approach to the corona pandemic. “Unfortunately, after the national alliance at the beginning of the corona pandemic, the opposition parties quickly decided to change course,” the ÖVP manager said in a statement to the APA. In particular, he was “stunned” by the actions of Neos and Freedom Party.

This was different during the first corona wave in the spring, which the federal government, in its opinion, “managed to control with consistent measures.” At that time the ÖVP was “very impressed” with the “cohesion of all political parties in our country”.

“Completely incomprehensible”

“Unfortunately, after the national alliance at the beginning of the corona pandemic, the opposition parties quickly decided to change course.”says Melchior. “It leaves us as a people’s party surprised that especially the FPÖ and Neos put the political interests of the party before the well-being of the Austrians.” And either “Completely incomprehensible why the two sides do not participate in a non-partisan alliance”said Melchior. Neos and FPÖ refused to approve the blocking regulations in the main committee of the National Council on Tuesday before Christmas, while the SPÖ voted in favor of the government factions ÖVP and Greens despite partial criticism.

Apart from the pandemic, Melchior, from the party’s perspective, obtained a positive balance from last year. In particular, the Vienna elections on October 11, in which the ÖVP doubled its share of the votes (certainly from an extremely low level) and took second place, the Secretary-General emphasized. “In the age of Sebastian Kurz As president of the federal party, it was the eighth successive state election, once again confirming the direction of the new Popular Party.

“Chaos and ignorance”

Melchior’s accusations of blaming the FPÖ can hardly be topped in terms of mockery, the liberal secretary-general said in return. Michael Schnedlitz in a transmission: “It was and is the ÖVP, together with the Greens that it has managed, that frustrates and impedes national solidarity in the Crown crisis.” The media would always be informed first about the planned measures and only then to the opposition parties.

In a transmission, the secretary general of Neos spoke of “misguided aggression” of the ÖVP Nikola Donig. It attests that the federal government is following a “zigzag course” that is leading to chaos in Austria: “Instead of understandable measures, there is a lack of transparency, incorrect information, chaos and ignorance.” Donig emphasizes once again that solidarity cannot be a one-way policy. “The ÖVP is abusing national solidarity as a ban on debate.”

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