The frivolous internal ÖVP news about the bishops’ conference highlights a long-standing conflict.
The talks between ÖBAG chief Thomas Schmid and Chancellor Sebastian Kurz have the potential to put even more strain on an already strained relationship: that between the ÖVP and the Catholic Church.
What happened? In a text message in March 2019, Kurz and Thomas Schmid, then secretary general of the Ministry of Finance, spoke about a conversation that Schmid had had with the secretary general of the Bishops’ Conference, Peter Schipka. It was about the possible abolition of fiscal privileges for the church. “Yeah, great. Please go full throttle,” he wrote …
Retrieved March 30, 2021 at 8:53 am from https://www.sn.at/politik/innenpolitik/oevp-chats-strapazieren-verhaeltnis-zu-kirche-101784286