
Loacker wanted “more honesty” and “clear messages.”
The opposition demanded clarity and transparency on Saturday in the face of the government’s consultations with state governors, experts and social partners on the extension of the crown blockade.
NEOS showed that the situation with the most contagious virus mutation has changed and called for faster vaccines. However, the FPÖ is in favor of a quick end to the shutdown, and the SPÖ kept the government on a “zigzag course”.
Criticisms of the SPÖ, NEOS and FPÖ
The turquoise green apparently “unfortunately still does not have a long-term plan”, said SPÖ health spokesman Philipp Kucher – Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) “wanted to relax a few weeks ago from January 18, then he wants to relax from the January 25, now there should be tightening “. The SPÖ always said that the number of infections had to decide “and not considerations of public relations in the Chancellery”. It is important that the measures are finally justified in an understandable way, he emphasized in a statement to the APA.
“More honesty and clear announcements” by the government so that people understand the measures and take them with them, warned NEOS health spokesman Gerald Loacker. Clear criteria and a clear time frame are needed, “even if that is not good news.” If the government follows the experts and tightens the lockdown, it would have to reveal the underlying data. And he pushed for “vaccinate, vaccinate, vaccinate,” much faster than the current “snail’s pace.”
The head of the FPÖ, Norbert Hofer, considers it “despite all the reservations” of the experts, whose statements “he does not doubt”, but the best way to end the blockade quickly and allow business and work in clear conditions. Because “civil disobedience” was probably not included in the calculations of the specialists. The lockdown will lead to an increase in private gatherings because people “just can’t stand the social isolation.” Furthermore, looking at the economy, he also believes that “Austria will not be able to cope with an extension of the blockade.” At the same time, Hofer vehemently insisted on reactivating the army hospitals so that they would have sufficient hospital capacity.
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