Only 42 percent want to be “freer”


A quick survey by the trade association (HV) shows: Every 10th consumer is limited to essential products. Only 42 percent want to be “freer”.

AUSTRIA. It’s Christmas and the third hard crown lockdown in Austria is just around the corner. On Thursday, the non-food trade must close again from December 26 to January 17.

The trade association and opinion research institute MindTake Research took this opportunity to examine national consumers and their current buying behavior. According to the AGM, 40 percent of Austrians have restricted their household spending due to the Corona crisis. “At present, 10 percent is limited even to the purchase of essential goods. Unfortunately, this also confirms our forecast, according to which two-thirds of sales losses due to blockages in retail will be irretrievably lost or they will flow mainly to online stores and platforms without a permanent establishment in Austria, “explains Rainer. Will, managing director of the trade association, the key results of the quick survey.

More than half stay locked up longer

The normally high-turnover days after Christmas, which would often be used to redeem coupons or exchange gifts, are no longer due to the third closing of this year. The AGM survey also showed that only 42 percent of Austrians want to be “released” before January 18 in order to enter a store. “The third blockade on non-food trade will last for almost a month,” the trade association said in a broadcast on Thursday.

Do you let yourself “free” from the third confinement?

For those who don’t want to take a voluntary corona test, the third lockdown applies until Jan. 24, according to the AGM survey, that’s more than half the population at 58 percent. And: 48 percent of those surveyed said they wanted to get the corona vaccine in 2021.

Austria business checks

The trade association evaluates the “free tests” of the lockdown as negative: the federal government has opted for a negative incentive. “However, we have always advocated for a positive incentive that also creates a win-win effect: why don’t we give all volunteers who take the test in January and thus contribute to the health of the population a 50 euro voucher as a thank you – they can be redeemed at local businesses with a branch in Austria, “asks Rainer Will.

The trade association asks for a system of positive incentives, for example in the form of a 50 euro voucher for all volunteers who take the test.

This means that crisis-ravaged companies and their jobs could benefit from an artificial piece of purchasing power at a time when the savings rate has doubled due to uncertainty. The trade association has been campaigning for these Austrian checks for months. “Everyone would benefit from this, the consumers, but also the national economy. Hopefully the proposal is adopted in the New Year”, hopes Will.

In short: lockdown until January 18, “as free as possible then”

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