No days off and later school graduation


Vienna: Education Minister Heinz Faßmann (ÖVP) will ask schools to advance their start times to prevent crown infections. That does not mean the class, but the opening of the buildings, he explained in Ö1. If, for example, they open at 7:30 a.m. And not at 7.45 a.m., fewer children will arrive at the same time.

As reported, elementary and middle school students should return to school on May 18 in turn. For high school graduates and final classes of vocational middle schools and vocational schools, school begins on May 4. The 300,000 high school, high school, and vocational school students will have to wait until after the Pentecost break on June 3.

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Window days after Ascension Day and Corpus Christi are not free.

Since there is not much time left from the reopening of the schools to the summer holidays, Faßmann wants to make the best use of them. Teaching also takes place in the window days after Ascension Day and Corpus Christi. In addition, the closing of ratings is postponed, making it as close as possible to the holidays. At the moment, it is mainly at the beginning of the penultimate school week. According to Faßmann, no one really knew what to do with this time in the week after graduation.

The fact that there is no hot water in many schools is not impossible for the minister to comply with hygiene standards. As an alternative, disinfectants would be offered: “One or the other should be there.” Increased ventilation is also recommended. You don’t need your own directives. That would unite principals and teachers on their own.

Whenever possible, internships for vocational schools should also exist, said the Minister of Education. However, this would not work in tourism schools, for example. Either they could be invented later or they would be dropped.

There were more reactions from the opposition at the start of school on Saturday: SPÖ education spokeswoman Sonja Hammerschmid wants to expand make-up education and a corresponding plan for summer schools. For NEOS education spokesperson Martina Künsberg Sarre, it is now just as important that there be a plan for kindergartens, teaching and adult education. FPÖ class spokesman Hermann Brückl, in turn, criticizes that the government is trying to largely postpone the obligation of childcare to parents. (TT, APA)
