In Vorarlberg, there have been no new infections with the coronavirus for a week, since last Sunday, May 3.
As of Sunday at 4:00 p.m., there were still 26 sick people, the same number as the previous day. The number of people recovered remained unchanged at 839.
So far, a total of 15,886 crown tests have been performed, 884 of which were positive. The number of Covid 19-related deaths in Vorarlberg remained stable at 19.
Data from individual municipalities and districts are visible on the country’s crown dashboard. There is also a list of cases by gender and age.
Playback number in Vorarlberg at 0.5
The actual number of plays for Austria “scratched” around April 24 to a value of just 0.5 and then slowly increased again. In Burgenland it was recently (May 6) at just over 0.5, in Carinthia below 0.5. Upper Austria is also worth around 0.5, Salzburg is slightly above, as is Styria with around 0.7. In Tirol from the days around April 24, there was a slight increase from less than 0.5 to about 0.7. Vorarlberg has a factor of around 0.5.
Short arrives in the country
Chancellor Sebastián Kurz (ÖVP) will have appointments in the federal states again next week. The start will take place on Wednesday with a visit to the Kleinwalsertal in Vorarlberg, which due to accessibility only through Germany is particularly affected by crown-related border closings, as the Foreign Ministry told APA on Saturday.
Vienna Briefly, together with Governor Markus Wallner and Secretary of State Magnus Brunner (both ÖVP), they will get a “personal picture” of the situation and will meet with a small group of community representatives due to continued restrictions on the assembly . In addition to the Kleinwalsertal, the following day also includes other appointments with groups affected by the crown pandemic, for example in Tyrol. The ÖVP chief also plans to visit all federal states in the coming weeks.
Last appointment at Vorarlberg on March 5
According to his office, Kurz had completed the last public appointment outside the Chancellery at Ballhausplatz on March 5 during a visit to Vorarlberg. Due to the crown virus, he had been in the Federal Chancellery continuously for the past ten weeks and was unable to keep appointments outside of the Federal Chancellery. According to the Foreign Ministry, the government held 75 press conferences during this time, and Kurz also held more than 80 video conferences with heads of government from other countries, governors, experts, the opposition, business representatives and affected target groups.