Nepp zu Wahlkartebrief: SPÖ-Ludwig’s scandalous electoral publicity at the expense of Viennese taxpayers


SPÖ is supposed to pay a letter from the party cashier: Vienna elections turn into a democratic sham

Vienna (OTS) The top candidate of the Vienna FPÖ, Deputy Mayor Dominik Nepp, strongly criticizes the voting card request letter, which was sent to all eligible voters in Vienna and bears the image of Mayor Ludwig. “This is a forceful campaign for the SPÖ at the expense of the Viennese taxpayers. After obtaining the voting card applications organized by the ÖVP headquarters, this is the next democracy scandal. SPÖ and ÖVP cheat and manipulate when possible, ”Nepp said.

Nepp points out that Ludwig, as governor of Vienna, cannot be photographed in state publications. With a sleight of hand it is argued that he does not act as governor, but as mayor and supreme supervisor of elections, although he did not even accept this position before the first meeting of the city’s electoral authority. It would be comparable to this approach if, for example, the Federal Chancellor, as president of a bowling club, addressed the population with a political message and image.

“As the leader of the SPÖ in Vienna, I ask Ludwig to pay the costs of this illegal action with party funds. SPÖ and ÖVP act indecently and reprehensibly. Once again, it is also clear that this form of postal voting is open to abuse and manipulation in the 2020 Vienna elections. Vienna must not become Pyongyang. There needs to be fair conditions for all campaign groups. Otherwise, this election becomes a democratic farce, ”said the FPÖ’s top candidate in Vienna.

Queries and contact:

FPÖ Vienna
0664 1535826
