Nepp: SPÖ and Greens should shell out 360,000 euros for the party cashier’s crown pool


The FPÖ works – in the red-green pool that has splashed

Vienna (OTS) “The enormous pressure from the FPÖ against the red-green crown group on the belt has meant that it has finally splashed. That leaves hundreds of thousands of euros in tax money wasted for this pointless green campaign. At least the move could be avoided. from the swimming pool to the Auer-Welsbach-Park, which would have devoured another 80,000 euros. It is shameful that SPÖ Mayor Ludwig did not avoid such green nonsense from the start, but let Green Deputy Mayor Hebein drive unhindered. The FPÖ is the only counterbalance to the sinfully expensive red-green clientele policy, ”said Vienna FPÖ chief Deputy Mayor Dominik Nepp, at the far end of the belt group.

Nepp demands that the supposed 360,000 euros from the coffers of the red-green party be disbursed. “It is not understandable that Viennese taxpayers have to pay for this expensive failure,” underlines the head of the FPÖ in Vienna.

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