Vienna is a problem area for integration: FPÖ demands immediate immigration stop
Vienna (OTS) – “The integration report presented today shows the long lack of integration of the SPÖ and the ÖVP. Sebastian Kurz is an accessory to the 2015 massive attack and, as Secretary of State and Minister for Integration, has had a devastating record since 2010. Thanks to Kurz and Ludwig, Vienna is Austria’s integration problem area. Therefore, it is necessary to stop immigration immediately, ”said the head of the Vienna FPÖ, Deputy Mayor Dominik Nepp, in an initial reaction.
Nepp is particularly surprised that 64 percent of all Viennese primary school students speak a colloquial language other than German. “This confirms our demand that German be compulsory during breaks,” said the head of the Vienna FPÖ.
Nepp also points out that 32,000 minimum income earners in Vienna come from Syria and Afghanistan. “This is proof that the SPÖ, the ÖVP and the Greens have attracted foreign social immigrants to the minimal security haven of Vienna. Viennese taxpayers have to pay for that. The FPÖ is the only counterweight to the madness of red-black-green immigration ”, stresses Nepp.
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FPÖ Vienna