Massive testing: mixed results in Vienna


The massive tests took place in Vienna from December 4-13. Designed for 1.2 million people, only 234,889 people came.

VIENNA. The capacities were designed for up to 1.2 million Viennese. 150,000 rapid tests could have been performed per day. 2,000 Federal Army soldiers were made available for mass tests in Vienna.

In fact, 234,889 people were screened from December 4-13. That corresponds to 13.5 percent. Despite the low level of participation, at least 591 infected people were found without symptoms. Of the three venues, nearly 117,000 people were tested at the fair, a good 80,000 people at the town hall and just under 38,000 at the Marxhalle.

Next round

The second round of testing will take place in Vienna from January 8 to 17. To attract more people to future mass tests, the government is considering luring citizens with free gifts, such as 50 euro coupons. It remains to be seen if this will increase participation in mass testing.

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