Until now, it was considered that a corona vaccination should be voluntary. But now the Bioethics Commission recommends mandatory vaccination for many professional groups.
Healthcare workers, hairdressers, and massage therapists, as well as all “body hugging service providers” and caregivers, as well as family members who care for them, should, if possible, get corona vaccinated. The bioethics committee recommends it, as its president Christiane Druml explains in the “press”. The commission had already recommended mandatory vaccination against measles in 2019. In the case of coronavirus, they are still against a general mandatory vaccination because not all the information on vaccines is available yet.
For the duration of the pandemic, healthcare workers and body-friendly service providers should be vaccinated with corona, according to the recommendation. The vaccine should be seen as a “professional requirement”, says von Druml: “As a leukemia patient, I don’t want someone to treat me and infect me and kill me. The Epidemic Law also states that healthcare workers must also be vaccinated about your protection. “
The law should say who gets vaccinated first
The president did not deny that it is difficult to have a vaccine for those who care for relatives at home. In the case of home and family caregivers, it should therefore be “an offensive offer”. Furthermore, the law should stipulate who will be vaccinated first as soon as a vaccine is available: this provides “legal certainty so that it is not handled differently under the table.”
And those who get vaccinated should also receive benefits and facilities, such as visiting cultural or other institutions, Druml said.