Lawyers are currently reviewing in town hall Hebein Regulation, with which the driving ban will be applied. Ludwig’s environment continues to refer to this test: the mayor will only give his final opinion once the legal department has rendered its judgment.
However, Hebein was convinced on the broadcast that the “car-free city” would become a reality, and scoffed at the Reds: “The SPÖ is very indecisive here.” The Greens, on the other hand, are the “engine of success”, as is the case with the 365-euro annual ticket for public transport.
Turquoise red or green red?
Aside from the traffic area of the Corona crisis (and Ludwig and Hebein’s self-praise for the city government’s management of the crisis), the duel was mainly about possible coalitions.
So Ludwig, unlike Hebein, who advocated red-green III, could not be nailed. “That will be decided by the voters,” he told a possible SPÖ-ÖVP coalition. What Hebein about the question, something theatrical?Do you still leave that open? ”
United to criticize the government
There was unity in the upcoming duel between FPÖ boss Dominik Nepp and Neos boss Christoph Wiederkehr, at least initially. The federal government and especially the city government reacted incorrectly to the Corona crisisthey both explained accordingly. Nepp criticized the Corona traffic light, the repetition of “harassment” through ever new laws.
The differences became apparent when it came to integration and access to the political system: Nepp warned against the “dominance of political Islam” and defended the controversial position of the non-executive municipal council, while Wiederkehr advocated a “cosmopolitan Vienna” and he criticized the “pointless supply jobs.”
Discuss a Menasse post
Much of what has already been heard followed the meeting of Gernot Blümel, ÖVP’s top candidate, as well as finance minister and HC team leader, Heinz-Christian Strache: from turquoise praise for Austria’s handling of the pandemic of crowns up to Strache’s critique of PCR testing. on the question of which of the two parties is copying the content of the other.