So opening the ski lifts at any price?
I don’t understand this ski hit at all. There is an ideological blueprint behind this and the basic attitude that tourism is generally ugly.
What do you mean now?
He plays with some Greens. They see tourism professionals primarily as people who want to blow up mountain peaks and destroy nature. And now health too.
Complete intensive care units cannot be discussed far …
No, but why do we have them? Because we have little staff, a negligence of previous governments. And yes, we have excess mortality, but especially in the area of the 70+ generation and that is not usually the group that is on the lift. It cannot be that everything is simply forbidden to all and that understanding is expected for it.
Should appeal only to personal responsibility? Do you seriously think that someone will stick to something?
There will always be people who drive drunk. But you cannot shut up the entire republic and lock up the people because of a few crazy people. I’m here for the Montessori approach – help me do it myself. Even a 70-year-old man wants to decide for himself how he organizes his free time and whether he continues to go to the cafeteria. No one can take these television commercials, in which people over the age of 90 call to stay home because they are afraid of dying from the virus. Like the infantile talk of baby elephants.
Should all bars and hotels open like nothing?
Gastronomy and hospitality were preparing for it since the summer. From my point of view, there would have been nothing against opening hotels when guests and staff are being evaluated. I never understood that the opposition prevented it. And the Greens always go in extreme positions. Preferably no more flights, no more cruises, and no more skiing. But that also overlooks the reality of their voters’ lives.
Is that also a criticism of the experts that the government listens to?
It is clear that politicians have to depend on ten or fifteen scientists. In practice, there is no other way. But what bothers me is the constant polarization. Either you support everything or you’re a conspiracy theorist out of the box. Many no longer feel heard or understood. It is well known that pressure creates back pressure. Then there is the old problem of federalism.
So that tourism is a matter of the country and decisions are made at this level?
Yes, but now what happens between Lake Neusiedl and Lake Constance is still decided at the federal level. Without any differentiation or sensitivity. Nor should the closure of the town’s inns be underestimated. They are like community experience centers. There you meet, find out who died, where there are jobs and line up people. These inns cannot be expected to close in the long term.
Here it should be possible to decide at the community level who is allowed to unlock and under what conditions. Today you can take a test at any pharmacy and then present it.
And does the owner kick out the regular guest, who is also a neighbor and comes to dinner with the whole family on Sundays, if he doesn’t have a negative test?
You have to ask the guest to leave the bar and you are not allowed to serve him. How you run it depends on the host. A normal guest will understand.
Are we going to vacation differently after the crisis?
No. Social change usually takes two generations. We don’t change our habits that fast. And pressure always creates back pressure. If it is now suggested that one should be ashamed of going on vacation, many will do so even more.