Lawyer, physicist and first federal counselor of the Neos


Now he is tipping the balance between turquoise green and red blue in the regional chamber: Viennese lawyer Karl-Arthur Arlamovsky (48), Austrian-Irish citizen and co-founder of the Neos.

A small note of fulfillment in advance: the author of these lines and the person pictured have followed almost all the (compulsory) home matches of the Austrian soccer team at the stadium in recent years. So what could be said about the football fan that was valid beyond that? When Karl-Arthur Arlamovsky is as meticulous in his legal profession as he is as a football fan: he scans the field, not a single detail is missed, he knows the players and their backgrounds from the inside out, then he is very meticulous. Which is professionally confirmed by those who deal with him. Arlamovsky is a professional lawyer in Vienna with his own law firm, and in recent years he has been something of the Neos’ in-house and judicial lawyer. Whether it’s constitutional issues, details about the rules of procedure in parliament, or the latest information on the U-Committee, always share your experience on Twitter.
