Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) was confident that 2021 would bring the trend reversal. Before the start of vaccinations, he expressed the hope that the moment when we can lead “a normal life” will come “soon”.
The past year has been very challenging for everyone, Kurz said. Having to decide on exit restrictions and closing of business was “anything but pleasant.” In addition to safety concerns, it is also important to consider the danger of loneliness, especially with older people. The Chancellor said that there was never the right way to go, only the best possible solution.
Vice Chancellor Werner Kogler (Greens) cited cohesion and patience as important virtues in the crown pandemic. He advocated being considerate of each other and also listening to each other’s arguments. This also applies to vaccines. Here, too, proponents should put their arguments on the table, but not use coercion. Skeptics should listen to the arguments. As a Christmas wish to the coalition partner, Kogler formulated that the slogan of the government agreement “Responsibility for Austria” would continue and that even more joint projects would be launched together with the ÖVP.
SPÖ President Pamela Rendi-Wagner emphasized that overcoming the corona pandemic can only be achieved together and with each other. Cohesion is also needed with the vaccines that are now starting. These are a great opportunity, it will depend on everyone. People had to be taken seriously and adequately informed.
FPÖ President Norbert Hofer, who has overcome crown disease himself, mentioned two things that are particularly important: gratitude and humility. If someone is unwell, he recommends a visit to a rehab center, said Hofer, who was helped in one after his accident. There you see people who have mastered other problems, said the head of the FPÖ.
NEOS MP Helmut Brandstätter made an appeal to host refugees from Greek refugee camps: “If we want to be true to ourselves, we have to do something for the children.” There are enough families in Austria who want to host people.