Korosec: “Regulation of hackers was an unfair solution”


The president of the association of the elderly criticizes that almost only men have benefited with high pensions. The early start bonus especially benefits women and people with low pensions.

Vienna (OTS) “We have always criticized early retirement without deductions as an unfair solution, from which practically only men with an already high pension benefit. The SPÖ with the Minister of Social Affairs Rudolf Hundstorfer abolished this system together with the ÖVP and implemented a bonus-malus system since 2014 “recalls the president of the Elderly Association Ingrid Korosec.

“The SPÖ, together with the FPÖ, took a 180 degree turn in 2019 and broke this principle to attract votes shortly before the elections. Aware of the great weaknesses of the piracy regulations: that is, basic military and community services are not included, police officers are excluded and, that is the worst, almost all women “Korosec is upset. Because women have a lower retirement age and because of raising children and caring for relatives, they hardly get the necessary 45 years of contributions together. Korosec recalls that in the first half of 2020, in addition to more than 7,000 men, a woman made use of the piracy scheme.

“The SPÖ-FPÖ system only supports high pensions and opens the income gap even further”, emphasizes Korosec. For them, the current abolition of the freedom to deduce is an important step. “The federal government is correcting a red-blue error that went against the goal of aligning the actual retirement age with the legal retirement age. Those who still want to retire earlier can do so, but at a discount. Only this clear line is fair to the previous cohorts that accepted discounts for early retirement. “, Korosec concrete.

At the same time, the federal government is creating a new instrument in the fight against poverty in old age with the early start bonus. The pension is increased by one euro for each month you worked until you were 20 years old. “In contrast to the around 10,000 men with above-average pensions who were affected by the Hackler regulation, around 60,000 people benefit from the early start bonus, including those receiving small pensions and many women.”Korosec concluded.

Queries and contact:

Austrian Seniors Association
Mag. Alexander Maurer
Press officer
+43 664/859 29 18
to ensure@seniorenbund.at
