According to AMS board member Johannes Kopf, the third shutdown will more than double the number of unemployed in the hospitality and restaurant industries. “The seemingly obvious conclusion that short-time work doesn’t work in this industry is wrong,” Kopf emphasizes. With almost 100,000 affected employees, tourism currently ranks first when it comes to recording short-time work. For comparison: in Austria there are currently exactly 417,113 people working part-time, 140,000 more than in the previous month, according to figures from the Ministry of Labor.
Long-term unemployed
For the first time there will be more than half a million unemployed in the winter of 2020/21 and thus a December unemployment rate of eleven percent. Not only because of the inactivity of the tourism industry. “Together with the seasonal effects on construction, which are within the usual framework, the situation in the labor market is currently extremely challenging,” says Labor Minister Christine Aschbacher. From his point of view, there are also rays of hope: “We were able to re-place 607,704 people last year, one percent more than in 2019.” This shows that the labor market is dynamic despite everything.