Believing that it is enough to deliver 400 tents in Greece “is inhumane and contradicts basic European values,” says Carinthia’s head of state, Türkis-Grün.
The internal exchange of blows over the admission of refugees from the burned-out Moria refugee camp on the Greek island of Lesbos has gained an opinion. After Birgit Hebein, the top green candidate for the Vienna elections in October, started a “character discussion” about Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) and described his refusal to accept refugee children in Austria as “cold”, the governor of Carinthia , Peter, contacted Kaiser (SPÖ) has his opinion.
The southernmost federal state is ready to take in children “from the hell of Moria,” Kaiser said. The federal government should now create the necessary legal basis for this.
“To believe, with this indulgence …”
Austria has not only the opportunity but also the obligation “not to see children cry and look death in the eye,” Kaiser said in a broadcast on Thursday. The republic must actively help “by participating in the rescue mission of other responsible EU states involved”.
Delivering a support package for Greece (Austria was the first European country to deliver 400 family tents with winter kits for 2,000 people on Wednesday) alone was not enough, Kaiser said: “Believing that this indulgence can evade a humanitarian obligation of much greater scope is inhumane and contradicts basic European values. “
Regional councilor Sara Schaar (SPÖ), responsible for integration, also spoke in the broadcast: “Integration needs rules – humanity requires attitude”, she said – “outside of humanitarian responsibility”, now legal possibilities are needed to stop save the children.