Intensive care doctor on Covid-19: “No reason to give the go-ahead”


Ensuring intensive medical care for all critically ill people requires at least the maintenance of existing resources and, in some areas, their further expansion, according to the expert. Furthermore, the responsibility for containing the pandemic and, therefore, also for conserving intensive care resources rests with each and every person.

No advances in new drugs

Markstaller cannot understand statements according to which the treatment options for Covid-19 have improved dramatically compared to spring and for this reason alone, despite the increasing number of infections, supply resources are not in danger of being overwhelmed: ” The fact is that we have seen a lot since the beginning of the pandemic “I have learned and continue to learn about this disease, which was initially a great unknown. But it is also true that there have not yet been great therapeutic advances with substances for experimental use, on which many hopes were based. “

According to Joannidis, there have been improvements in treatment results mainly through the use of anticoagulant substances and cortisone preparations, which have been shown to reduce mortality in ventilated patients. “The severe course of the disease with the consequence of long stays in the intensive care unit and the great challenges for subsequent rehabilitation remain resource intensive.” Therefore, there is no reason to give the go-ahead compared to spring.

High rate without severe course changes

As before, 20 percent of all hospitalized Covid 19 patients in Austria require intensive medical care. There is currently an Austrian registry with data from intensive care units throughout Austria. “According to a current analysis by the Ministry of Health, those affected by people aged 50 to 64 have the longest stay in intensive care units and an average of 14 days. This also shows the high level of exposure to which the SARS-CoV-2 can mean our resources and which ones should be avoided “, emphasizes Andreas Valentin vom Cardinal Schwarzenberg Clinic in Schwarzach / Salzburg (President of the Austrian Association of Intensive Care Societies).
