The fall in oil prices has also significantly lowered inflation in Austria. The inflation rate fell to 1.6 percent in March, after having surpassed 2.2 percent in February, Austrian Statistics announced on Friday. This was very noticeable in gasoline pumps: diesel fuel fell by almost ten percent, premium gasoline by about six percent. The price drivers were once again rents. Apartment rents were paid an average 2.9 percent more than a year ago. Services in restaurants and hotels increased by an average of 3.2 percent in March and, therefore, boosted prices, in addition to the housing, water and energy sectors (plus 2.4 percent).
According to Statistics Austria, measures against the spread of the coronavirus only had a very limited impact on calculating the March inflation rate. The price surveys for the consumer price index were carried out mainly in the first half of the month, that is, before the closing of businesses related to the coronavirus.
Consumer price
March index Base 2015 = 100
March 2020 108.1
February 2020 107.8
January 2020 107.6
Increase rate: 1.6 percent
CPI 10 (2010 = 100) 119.7
CPI 05 (2005 = 100) 131.0
CPI 00 (2000 = 100) 144.9
CPI 96 (1996 = 100) 152.4
CPI 86 (1986 = 100) 199.3
CPI 76 (1976 = 100) 309.8
CPI 66 (1966 = 100) 543.7
CPI I (1958 = 100) 692.8