On Saturday, 40 emergency services also searched for the woman with service dogs. Obviously, she was hiding from aides on the company’s premises and died of frozen death on Sunday night, the Upper Austrian state police department reported.
A doctor who found death by freezing as the cause of death and outside negligence should be ruled out, police said. The woman noticed a fire in her living room at 6:00 am on Saturday. He then cycled about a kilometer to the fire station to report this and then disappeared. Her 82-year-old husband, who was still sleeping upstairs, alerted firefighters by phone.
The fire in the living room was quickly extinguished. At 11:30 a.m., experts found that the fire had broken out in the area around the door of the tile stove. Embers were thrown from the stove or flammable objects lit on the floor when the stove heated up. The 72-year-old had obviously warmed up in the morning, he told himself.