He evaded the Vatican Pope’s request for people of the same sex …


The explosive statements from Francis’ interview cause excitement, but they are from 2019, why are they only known now? According to the “New York Times” they were eliminated when authorized by the Vatican.

The surprising phrases of the Pope came in the documentary “Francesco” by Russian director Evgeni
Afinejewski, which premiered at the Rome Film Festival on Wednesday: “Homosexuals have the right to be in a family. They are children of God,” says Francis. And: “What we need is a law, one thing civil society allows.”

This is the first time that a pope has spoken out in favor of civil unions between people of the same sex. The Vatican media did not report any of this, especially the media around the world. Since then, there has also been a lot of gossip about why the statements, dating back to 2019, have only now been known.

Now, according to a report in the “New York Times”, two people from the vicinity of the Mexican television station Televisa, who conducted the interview in question, said more about it: The Vatican, which insisted on the authorization, cut these sentences.

Contrary to official teaching

It is not the first time that Pope Francis has signaled an opening on socially sensitive issues in an unorthodox way and beyond official channels. Conservative cardinals such as Germany’s Gerhard Ludwig Müller and his American colleague Raymond Burke complained in a statement Thursday of the “great confusion” these statements caused among Catholic believers. The Pope’s statements made a contradiction
Teaching of the Church.

In fact, a 2003 letter from the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith states: “According to the teaching of the Church, respect for
Gay people in no way endorse the
homosexual behavior or the legal recognition of
lead homosexual unions. “He has signed the
Text by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger at the time.

