Munich (ots) – The historical drama “A People Defends Itself,” co-produced by Hager Moss Film, a subsidiary of Constantin Television, won the Gold Award in the “Entertainment Show: Drama” category at the New York Film and Film Awards York this year. . Brigitte Hobmeier, Fritz Karl, and Harald Windisch play the lead roles in the film, which is based on true events, and other roles include Verena Altenberger, Maresi Riegner, Gerhard Liebmann, Francis Fulton-Smith, Oliver Masucci, Philipp Hochmair, Rainer Wöss, and Lucy Wirth. Directed by Gabriela Zerhau, who is also responsible for the script.
The New York Festivals TV & Film Awards honor content in all shapes and lengths from more than 50 countries in a total of fourteen categories. The jury places special emphasis on telling innovative stories and global trends. Competition entries cover all areas of the television and film industry, including news shows, news and sports reports, documentaries, entertainment shows, as well as student productions and broadcasts.
The last days of the war in 1945: As the Allies approached, the ruthless Nazi regime prevailed in the mountain town of Altaussee. The world-famous works of art, all art looted by the Nazis, are stored in the salt mine, as exhibits for the planned “Museum of the Führer”. Protected by soldiers, the miners carry valuable paintings and sculptures in the tunnels. Among them: Josef Rottenbacher (Fritz Karl), who waits for the end of the war and tries to stay away from everything. In contrast to his best friend, Franz Mitterjäger (Harald Windisch) and his wife Elsa (Brigitte Hobmeier), who secretly supply deserters in the mountains. Despite all precautions, Mitterjäger is the target of the Gestapo. Shortly before the surrender, the fanatical Gauleiter Eigruber (Philipp Hochmair) ordered that the salt mine be exploited to destroy the works of art before they fell into the hands of the enemy. But the miners resist.
“A People Defends Itself” is a co-production by Hager Moss Film GmbH (producers: Kirsten Hager and Anja Föringer) and Mona Film Produktion GmbH (producers: Thomas Hroch and Gerald Podgornig), funded by FFF Bayern, Fernsehfonds Austria and Cinestyria Filmcommission and Fonds on behalf of ZDF, ORF and ART.
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