A passage from the new Corona law alarms the FPÖ. El Azul asks the federal president to act and resign.
Great excitement at the FPÖ! In the discussion about the new Covid-19 Measures Law, a passage has now emerged according to which the government should be authorized to extend the law by means of a simple ordinance until the end of 2021, it says via broadcast.
“If this is absolutely necessary due to the epidemiological situation, a different date for the expiration of this federal law can be determined by ordinance of the federal government, so it cannot be later than December 31, 2021.”
Party leader Norbert Hofer is angry: “The House is the place where laws are passed. Authorizing a government to extend a federal law through ordinances is tantamount to taking power away from parliament.” Hofer sees Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen challenged: “Meanwhile, the Hofburg’s silence has become unmistakable. So far it has been silent on the Covid-19 Measures Act, but now it has to act.”
FPÖ general fury
FPÖ Secretary General Michael Schnedlitz goes further: “With this attitude, the admirer of the elegant and beautiful constitution is no longer acceptable. He should leave his office at the Hofburg and return to the office of Chairman of the Green Party.”
The general makes a comparison with Hungary: Prime Minister Viktor Orban allowed himself by law to rule on the basis of ordinances during the crisis. This was met with a lot of headwinds, but regulation ended in mid-June. “With the new Covid-19 Measures Law, the black-green government has de facto control of the country for more than a year,” Schnedlitz said.
The head of the Greens club, Sigi Maurer, responded to the criticism on Twitter: “This is a change that was made based on the comments of the opposition, that is, it is not desired that the law only expire at the end of 2021. This is a RESTRICTION on the original proposal. “