FPÖ – Rauch: Environmental budget execution fails due to ÖVP | Freedom Parliamentary Club


Vienna (OTS) “Madam Minister, if you look at the figures, the environmental budget is ‘pretty good’, you cannot criticize that in its entirety, but you simply cannot implement the budget. Because all the measures they announce are blocking and cementing the ÖVP and that is the main problem, “said liberal environmental spokesman NAbg today. Walter Rauch in his contribution to the debate. “For example, he announced the plastic deposit or the 1-2-3 ticket, but both measures have not yet been implemented because the ÖVP fails. The green minister is always announcing new measures, but if they are later implemented, the ÖVP will block them. Rauch continued.

“We paid around 180 million euros to the EU in fines for plastic, now we are paying 130 million euros more to the Green Climate Fund than before, despite the Crown crisis. However, that would not be necessary, we would prefer to protect the climate in Austria with adequate financing systems so that we can use these measures to stimulate our economy, but also the necessary renovation program and support individual households with it, “said the environmental spokesperson. de FPÖ, who submitted a motion for a resolution calling on the black-green government to cancel all payments made to foreign countries for climate protection in accordance with the treaty as soon as possible and replace them with domestic investments for climate protection.

“Rauch also commented on the budget that there is still a positive focus on the revenue area of ​​emissions trading. “Revenues here are estimated very positively, but where Parliament’s budget service also points out that they are plagued with too much uncertainty because we don’t know today how our economic performance will develop in the future,” Rauch said.

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