FPÖ – Kickl calls again for a parliamentary statement from the Chancellor on the endless lockdown | Freedom Parliamentary Club


How long does Kurz want to hold Austria hostage?

Vienna (OTS) “Last week we had two days of parliament. But not a word from the Chancellor about the endless blockade. Rather than face debate in parliament, Kurz prefers to go to secret conferences and announce his messages in press conferences and interviews. I ask the Chancellor once again to come before Parliament this week, today or tomorrow, and make a statement, one that deserves that name. ‘Angela Merkel told me what to do’, that will not be enough ”, emphasized today the president of the FPÖ club and president of the federal party NAbg. Herbert Kickl. Kurz doesn’t take the truth too seriously either: the total closure in South Tyrol, which he cited Sunday as a deterrent example of the consequences of opening the door too early, didn’t even exist. “That was real fake news. The Federal Chancellery’s digital crisis team should have intervened immediately, ”Kickl added.

“Austria will close briefly until February 8 and maybe even beyond. Gastronomy and hospitality even have to shake if they can open in March. How long he plans to hold our country hostage, that is exactly what Kurz does not tell the Austrians. There is not a single coercive measure that the ÖVP and the Greens have taken so far against Austrians and their fundamental rights and freedoms, a real assessment. At least the Chancellor didn’t tell us, ”Kickl said, recalling the study by Stanford researcher John Ioannidis, according to which blockades are epidemiologically useless, but cause enormous damage. “What does the Chancellor say about that? Or he and his vassals are dodging well-known Stanford University scientists and their findings, as is the case with all those who don’t repeat what Kurz pretends to be, “Kickl said. The government’s actions were based on threatening gestures, tactics of fear and scare tactics, were not based on evidence nor were they provided. With the new closure, the Chancellor finally began a campaign of destruction against the economy, the labor market and society and the future of our children and young people was put at risk by closing schools.

The FPÖ club president again referred to the FPÖ’s five-point plan and called for an immediate end to the lockdown, honest and transparent data as a basis for decision-making, a mandatory review and evaluation of all previous and future measures, a protection consistent and faster in the population over 75 years. Years and risk groups, as well as an increase in treatment capacities and the capacities of health authorities. “And for our children and young people it also has to mean: Open schools, with hygiene measures, distance rules, larger rooms, protective acrylic glass walls and air purifiers for mobile rooms.”

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