Former Foreign Minister now writes for Putin radio station – News story


Former Chancellor Karin Kneissl has a new job. He is now writing comments for Russian state broadcaster RT, formerly Russia Today.

Former Austrian Foreign Minister Karin Kneissl (not part, but at the time with an FPÖ ticket) has a new daytime commitment. In the future, he will write guest columns in the Russian state media RT (formerly Russia Today).

RT chief Margarita Simonjan announced on her Twitter account that Kneissl would now write “columns” for RT. Kneissl was the former chancellor “Putin danced at his wedding,” Simonjan reminded the Twitter audience.

When asked by the “press,” Kneissl said he would “offer guest comments on the matter.” When asked about his motivation for working with RT, Kneissl said he had already written comments for other state media. She sees her role in offering analytical views.

During his tenure, the Kremlin relied on personal and professional contact with the diplomat. Kneissl appears to remain popular in Russian government circles.

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