Finance: State Budget 2021: “We must accept new debts”


The state parliament has started discussions on the budget for 2021. Due to the corona pandemic, there will be new loans for the first time since 2014. “Bitter, but no alternative, “says financial official Christian Stöckl. The opposition criticizes the lack of transparency.

SALZBURG. The crown pandemic and dealing with its aftermath pose a challenge for the Salzburg state government in terms of health policy and finances. Under current forecasts, the revenue share alone should collapse by more than € 130 million compared to originally assumed values. In addition, there would be a massive deficit in rates and the contribution to the housing subsidy, says Lieutenant Governor Christian Stöckl.

Less income but much more expenses

On the other hand, there would be a huge additional expense to combat the corona pandemic. You also need additional money for investments that can stimulate the economy again. “That is why we have to accept a new debt of around 413.5 million euros in the 2021 budget,” says the head of finance.

Benefit from previous years

The financial room for maneuver that has developed in recent years makes it possible to finance key areas and projects of the medium-term financial plan in the coming year despite additional expenses.

A quarter of the money for health and hospitals

The budget presented, according to double accounting, foresees income and expenses of around 3,300 million euros each without new debts. Only 27 percent of this (about 897 million euros) goes to the health and hospital sectors.

“Even in times of crisis, investments must be made in critical and important priorities to emerge from the crisis more strongly than before. That is why the construction and renovation offensive started in previous years in Salzburg hospitals will continue next year and will be reflected in the 2021 budget. ”
Financial advisor Christian Stöckl

The opposition has announced resistance

The SPÖ and FPÖ have already announced resistance over the weekend: “The Freedom Party and the Social Democrats no longer agree to a new amendment to the budget law,” the broadcast said. “To send a strong signal and together overcome the Covid-19 crisis, we, as the opposition, gave the state government a great leap of faith in April 2020 in the form of a joint alliance, subject to full transparency. We gave the state government the opportunity to obtain loans of up to 250 million euros for Covid-19 measures by the end of 2020 without having to consult the state parliament. ”

Marlene Svazek, regional leader of the Salzburg FPÖ party.

“There is no clean bill for the state government”

However, the government has not kept the promised transparency in the use of these funds, which is why the two will no longer issue a “clean bill”, report club presidents Michael Wanner and Marlene Svazek.

SPÖ Club President Michael Wanner

The final decision will take place next Wednesday in the plenary session of the state parliament.

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