Extreme caution when sending emails from the boss


Insurance companies and IT security companies warn of a growing number of fraudulent emails in which cybercriminals pretend to be superior and Company funds transfer to your own accounts. “About 90 percent of all cyber attacks start with an email,” he says. Martin Kreuzer, the cyber security expert from Munich Re and former researcher.

CEO fraud

The method is known to cyber experts as “CEO Fraud” which means CEO fraud in German. Scammers steal the email addresses and online identities of senior managers and their employees, and then money is transferred to their accounts.

Hugely increased

The industrial insurer belonging to Allianz GATS warns that in some countries the number of cyberattack attempts increased fivefold between mid-February and mid-March. And Japanese IT security company Trend Micro estimates that more than 900,000 Corona-related spam emails were sent worldwide in the first quarter. Boss fraud is one of the common scams.

Phishing emails

“Meanwhile, many phishing emails have also been personalized,” says the Munich cyber expert Cruise. “The success rate is much higher if the recipients are personally contacted.”
